PDF files can be used as input for a Prinergy workflow. These PDFs can come from several sources:

  • Saved directly out of creative software such as InDesign, QuarkXPress, Illustrator, or Photoshop
  • Created by distilling PostScript files from most creative software using Acrobat
  • Created by a PDF creation tool or suite such as Kodak Prepare software

PDF or PostScript?

Saving creative work to a PDF file can have varying results depending on the software and the features used to create the file.
Note: When Prinergy Workshop is installed, the system places some settings files in the Acrobat Distiller folder. One of these files contains recommended settings for Acrobat Distiller for distilling page and sheet mark PostScript files to create PDF un-imposed marks files.

Separated PostScript

Separated files are locked down in terms of overprints and colorbreaks. Composite files allow you to color manage and trap them.
Even though it is a best practice to use composite PS/PDF as input to Prinergy, customers can still use separated files as input.

Advanced attributes

PDF 1.4 Transparency: Prinergy supports transparent objects in digital masters.

PDF 1.5 Layers: Prinergy supports layered input files. For Layered PDF Versioning (LPV) jobs, you can preserve layers of incoming PDF files. For non-versioning jobs, Prinergy will automatically unite the visible layers to a single layer during the refine process. 

PDF 1.5 16-bit Images: Prinergy does not support 16-bit images in digital masters. However, 16-bit images will be converted to 8-bit images during refine without converting the file to PDF 1.3.

PDF 1.6 OpenType Fonts and 3D Annotations: Prinergy currently does not support OpenType fonts in digital masters. Files with this kind of object are very rare. It is difficult to create this object with the current desktop applications. When Prinergy encounters this kind of object, it will convert the file to PDF 1.3. Note that converting to PDF 1.3 will also flatten any transparent objects in the file.

Non-separable Blend Modes and Non-white-preserving Blend Modes: Non-separable blend modes (Hue, Saturation, Color, Luminosity) and non-white-preserving blend modes (Difference and Exclusion) are not supported by the following:

  • Vector output JTP (not for use when creating separated output)
  • Prepress Portal Smart Review proofing

This means that files that use the non-separable or non-white-preserving blend modes will fail:

  • To separate in Separation Viewer
  • To trap in PDF Trapper
  • To output separated vector output
  • To proof in Prepress Portal Smart Review unless the proofing mode uses the Proofing JTP
  • No labels