Page tree

    Select a file to use for the imposition

    Use this box to locate and select the imposition plan that you want to import.
    Information about the selected imposition plan appears in the right pane of the dialog box.

    Files of Type

    Select an option to filter the files that are displayed in the Select a file to use for the imposition section by a specific file type. Only files of the selected type are displayed.

    Options are:

    • All Eligible Files
    • All Files
    • Portable Job Ticket File (JT or PJTF)
    • Job Definition File (JDF or XML)

    By default, All Eligible Files is selected. An eligible file is any file of the .pjtf, .icf, or .job type.

    Show Hidden Files

    Select this option to display hidden files such as system files, in the Select a file to use for the imposition section.
    The default selection of this option can be set in the View tab of the Workshop Preferences dialog box.


    Displays accessible input volumes as defined in Administration Console. If the input volume that you want does not appear, you must add it to Administrator.

    Job Folder

    Opens the job folder for the current job.


    This button appears as Open when an input volume or folder is selected. Click this button to open the selected volume or folder.
    This button appears as Import once an eligible imposition plan has been selected. Click this button to import the selected imposition plan.



    Click this button to open the Choose Process Template dialog box, where you can change the import process template that controls the current import.

    Imposition Name

    Displays the name of the imposition plan. You can change the name as desired. The maximum length for the name is 260 characters.
    Note: If you are importing an imposition plan with the same name as one that is already part of the job, you can either type a unique name or allow Prinergy to automatically add a version number to the imposition name.

    Create New Page Set

    Automatically creates a page set, based on information in the imposition plan being imported, and links the page set to the imposition plan that Prinergy generates from the imposition plan. By default, the page set is given the same name as the imposition plan, although you can change the name in the Name box.


    Displays the name of the page set. You can change the name as desired.
    This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.


    Displays the letter that will be used to identify the page positions in the new page set. You can change the prefix by typing up to five alphanumeric characters. The prefix must not end with a number.
    This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.


    Displays the first page set position number. You can change the number as desired.
    This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.


    Displays the last page set position number. You can change the number as desired.
    This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.
    Note: The total number of page set positions must equal the number of pages in the imposition.

    Use Existing Page Set

    Links the imposition plan being imported to an existing page set in the job instead of creating a new page set. Select this option, and from the list, select an existing page set to which the imposition plan will be linked. Only page sets that contain the same number of page positions as the imposition plan being imported are available for selection.
    This option is available only when the job contains an existing page set.
    Note: When you select this option, the page assignments in the imposition plan being imported will overwrite the page assignments in the existing page set. If you do not want to overwrite the page set assignments, select Create New Page Set instead.

    • No labels