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    In the center pane, click to add a new digital device. For example, NexPress.


    In the center pane, click to delete the selected digital device.


    In the center pane, click to refresh the list of digital devices. This is useful if digital devices were added in Prinergy Administrator. To see these devices in Setup, click this button.

    Import Substrate

    In the right pane, click this button to import the substrate list from the selected digital device.
    Note: If you try to import substrates and/or reload device capabilities (in Setup > Digital Device) from a connected HP press or DFE while this device is down, the substrates and/or device settings will no longer be visible in the Digital Job Ticket Editor when you submit a job. Once the device is up and running, you must re-import the substrates and/or reload the device capabilities so that they are visible again in the Digital Job Ticket Editor. [PRINERGY-44749]

    Reload device capabilities 

    In the right pane, click this button to reload the settings from the selected digital device.
    Note: If you try to import substrates and/or reload device capabilities (in Setup > Digital Device) from a connected HP press or DFE while this device is down, the substrates and/or device settings will no longer be visible in the Digital Job Ticket Editor when you submit a job. Once the device is up and running, you must re-import the substrates and/or reload the device capabilities so that they are visible again in the Digital Job Ticket Editor. [PRINERGY-44749]

    Device ID

    Displays the unique ID of the digital device as specified in the JDF file. This property is read-only and cannot be edited.

    Device Path

    Displays the path to the device's location (a network location via a UNC path \\servername\sharedfolder\path\devicename, such as
    \\Nexpress). This is done in order to be aligned with the Device Path setting in the process templates.

    Model Name

    Displays the model name of the digital press

    Model Number

    Displays the model number of the digital press

    Min. Substrate Width

    Displays the minimum substrate width that fits this digital press

    Min. Substrate Height

    Displays the minimum substrate height that fits this digital press

    Max. Substrate Width

    Displays the type the maximum substrate width that fits this digital press

    Max. Substrate Height

    Displays the maximum substrate height that fits this digital press

    Substrate Weight Min.

    Displays the minimum substrate weight for this digital press

    Substrate Weight Max.

    Displays the maximum substrate weight for this digital press

    Default Resolution

    This setting displays the supported resolution of the digital device as specified in the JDF file. If the device supports more than one resolution, you can select one of the resolutions as the default one.

    The tabs below the settings described above (Screening, Finishing, Printing Params, Job Setup and Substrate Options)  contain detailed settings loaded from the digital device. To define the default values of someof these settings, select the relevant check box. The value you select will appear as the default value of the setting in the Digital Job Ticket Editor.

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