If you have a full access Preps integration license or a Prinergy Workshop Edition Preps Integration license, you can create a Preps imposition through Prinergy Workshop. The license allows for the automatic transfer of files between the imposition software and a Prinergy Workshop job.

  1. In Job Manager, from the File menu, select Create New Imposition.
  2. In the New Imposition dialog box, in the Imposition Name box, enter an imposition name.
    Otherwise, the box is read-only.
  3. Perform the following as appropriate:

    If you are creating an imposition from a template...


    That needs to be modified using an external imposition application, such as Preps.

    Select Use External Imposition Application. Then, in the Select an imposition application box, select the software you want to use.
    Note: If no applications appear on the list, this means that none have been set up. Use the Configure Imposition Applications option from the Tools menu to set up the software that you want to use.
    Note: If the application requires a license and is licensed, the application name appears in bold text.

    That does not need to be modified using an external imposition application and if you have the Preps Integration option Automated Imposition.

    Select Prinergy Signature Selection.

    Signature Selection works in Preps 5 mode, while the rest of Prinergy works in Preps 6 mode. This means that:

    • It is not possible to edit Preps 6 and later jobs that use come-and-go, cut-and-stack, or multi-binding styles with Signature Selection. If you try to edit an imposition that uses one of these binding styles, the Use Prinergy Signature Selection option will not be available in the Edit Imposition dialog box. Instead, you will be able to select Use External Layout Imposition Applications to launch Preps.
    • There is a difference in the way that Preps 5 and 6 display cut-and-stack and come-and-go jobs. In Preps 6, cut-and-stack jobs are shown as multiple webs, and come-and-go jobs are shown as multiple sections. In Workshop, such jobs are displayed in the Preps 6 format, while in Signature Selection, they are displayed in the Preps 5 format. This is just a difference in display: the page assignment is correct and the imposition will print correctly.
    • Preps 6 Mode refers to the software architecture used by the Preps DLL on the Prinergy server, not the software version itself.
  4. If you do not want to use the default import or export process template, click Select and choose the process template that you want.
  5. In the Import Type list, select one of the following options:
    • Automatic Import to start the import process automatically. With automatic import of imposition information, the recommended import template option is Keep existing page set and imposition.
    • Manual Import to open a Start Process dialog box where you can edit the import process template, choosing import options appropriate to your Prinergy job.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the New Imposition Details dialog box, in Imposition Name, type the imposition name.
  8. Perform the following as appropriate:

    If you want to


    Create a new page set

    Click Create New Page Set and specify the name, prefix, and number of pages for the imposition.

    Use an existing page set

    Click Use Existing Page Set, and select a page set from the box below.

  9. Perform the following as appropriate:

    If you selected


    Prinergy Signature Selection in step 3

    Specify the desired templates, arrange them accordingly, set the desired final output device, and set any shingling and bleed margin default. Click OK.
    Your imposition is now created and this task is complete.

    Use External Imposition Application in step 3

    Click OK. The Preps software starts. Continue to the next step and complete the remainder of this procedure.

  10. In Preps, modify the imposition as needed.
    For more information on Preps procedures, see the Preps documentation.
  11. In the Preps Signature List pane, click Signatures.
  12. Select and add a signature or signatures that conform to the run list count.
  13. Select Preps Layout Details and set shingling amounts and bleed margins, if required.
  14. Click OK.
    The signatures are added to the signature list in Preps.
  15. From the Preps File menu, select Print.
  16. In the Send to list, select from the following options:
    • To output a PPF file, select PPF to generate a file that contains only PPF data.
    • To output a PJTF file, select Adobe Job Ticket and select Embed CIP3 cutting data. From Preps Pro, you can generate a PJTF file that includes the PPF tags for cutter/folders. When you import the imposition into Prinergy, you can output PPF from the Prinergy job.
    • To output a JDF file, select JDF as the output type.
  17. In the Device list, select an output device.
  18. Specify a Print Range, if required.
  19. Click Print.

For a new imposition, the Preps software creates the PJTF and marks files and Prinergy automatically starts the import imposition process. The PJTF and PostScript marks files are imported into Prinergy and the imposition is added to the Prinergy job.
The imported Preps PJTF and marks files are saved in the <job folder>\System\ImpositionPlans folder. The Preps job, PJTF, and marks files are saved in the <job>\TransientLayouts\<clientmachinename> folder.
To open Preps outside of a job context, see Opening Preps outside of job context.

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