Page Assignments

Use this tab's Run List Assignment mode to create instructions that assign pages to the run list of a product or part.
Use this tab's Page Set Assignment mode to create instructions that assign pages to the page positions of a page set and imposition plan.
Add a row and then make entries in all columns for the row. Each row creates one line in the APA file.
Additions or changes made in this view are automatically displayed in the other views, and vice versa.
You can explicitly name the page filename, page set name/prefix name, page set position, and layer, or use wild cards.

Run List Assignment

Use this mode when dealing with impositions with Products and Parts.

Refined File Name

The name of the refined file you want to assign to the run list.
You can state the file name explicitly for example, Book.p1.pdf, or use wild cards.

Product Run List

The name of the product whose run list you are assigning the pages to.

Part Run List

The name of the part whose run list you are assigning the pages to.


The page position number of the run list to which the page will be assigned. You can state the page position number explicitly—for example, 1, 2, 3—or you can use a wild card.

You can also enter simple addition and subtraction expressions in the Position column, for example:

    • Refined File Name: Page.p.pdf
    • Product Run List/Part Run List: Book
    • (Run list) Position:  + 50
    • Layer: 1

You can also assign one page to several run list positions using the following page position wild cards:

    • All Positions ( * ): Assigns one page to all run list positions.
    • Contiguous (..): Assigns one page to a contiguous range of run list positions.
    • Noncontiguous (,): Assigns one page to a noncontiguous range of run list positions.

Note: There are no buttons for the page position wild cards. Use your keyboard to type the wild card character.


The layer of the page position to which the page will be assigned for example, 1, 2, 3.
The layer number is relevant only in versioning jobs. The base layer is 1. Use 1 as the layer number for non-versioning jobs.

Page Set Assignment

Use this mode when dealing with impositions without Intent such as the impositions used in Workshop.

Refined File Name

Name of the refined file to which you want to assign geometry, or which you want to assign to a page set.
You can state the file name explicitly for example, Book.p1.pdf, or use wild cards.

Page Set Name/Prefix

The name of the page set or page set prefix to which you want to assign pages.
You can state the page set name or page set prefix name explicitly—for example 8PageLayout (page set name) or p, q, r (page set prefix name)—or you can use wild cards.
You can use this button to assign a page to the same page position in all page sets.


The page position of the page set to which the page will be assigned. You can state the page position explicitly—for example, 1, 2, 3—or you can use a wild card.
You can also enter simple addition and subtraction expressions in the Position column, for example:

    • Refined Filename: Page.p.pdf
    • Page Set Name/Prefix: p
    • Page Set Position:  + 50
    • Layer: 1

You can also assign one page to several page set positions using the following page position wild cards:

    • All Positions ( * ): Assigns one page to all page set positions.
    • Contiguous (..): Assigns one page to a contiguous range of page set positions.
    • Noncontiguous (,): Assigns one page to a noncontiguous range of page set positions.

Note: There are no buttons for the page position wild cards. Use your keyboard to type the wild card character.


The layer of the page position to which the page will be assigned for example, 1, 2, 3.
The layer number is relevant only in versioning jobs. The base layer is 1. Use 1 as the layer number for non-versioning jobs.

Move Rows

The Add button adds a new row below the currently selected row.
The Remove button removes the currently selected row
The Move Down button moves the currently selected row down in the list.
The Move Up button moves the currently selected row up in the list.

Insert Wild Cards

Use the buttons in this area to create wild cards that assign settings to multiple files instead of explicitly naming each file.

  Match Letters

Match letters (a-z, A-Z) in the page filename. For example .p1.pdf matches filenames Book.p1.pdf, Front matter.p1.pdf, and JobXYZ.p1.pdf.
You can also specify the number of characters that this wild card will match.
To verify the number of characters that will be matched, move the cursor over the icon and check the length that is listed.

  Match Digits

Match numbers (0-9) in the page filename. For example .p.pdf matches filenames 12345.p1.pdf, 05282003.p2.pdf, and 01.p165.pdf. 
You can also specify the number of characters that this wild card will match.
To verify the number of characters that will be matched, move the cursor over the icon and check the length that is listed.

 Match Either

Match letters or numbers (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) in the page filename. For example .p.pdf matches filenames 12345.p1.pdf, ABCDE.p2.pdf, Book cover99.p76.pdf, Book052803.p205.pdf. 
Note: .p.pdf matches the same filenames.

You can also specify the number of characters that this wild card will match.
To verify the number of characters that will be matched, move the cursor over the icon and check the length that is listed.

 This Position

Indicates that this part of the page name is the same as the page position to which the page will be assigned. 
For example if you enter Book.p.pdf, a matching wild card  is inserted in the Position column. Book.p1.pdf is assigned to position 1, Book.p2.pdf is assigned to position 2, and so on.

 This Page Set (Page Set Assignment mode only)

Indicates that this part of the page name is the same as the name of the page set or page set prefix to which the page will be assigned. 
For example, if you enter .p1.pdf, a matching wild card  is inserted in the Page Set Name/Prefix column. Book.p1.pdf would be assigned to the Book page set.

 All Page Sets (Page Set Assignment mode only)

Assigns the page to the designated page position in all sets in the job.

 This Product (Run List Assignment mode only)

Indicates that this part of the page name is the same as the name of the product.
For example, if you enter .p.pdf, a matching wild card  is inserted in the Product Run List column. If your product is Book, page Book.p1.pdf will be assigned to position 1 in the Book run list, page Book.p2.pdf will be assigned to position 2 in the Book run list and so on.

 All Products (Run List Assignment mode only)

Assigns the page to the designated page positions in the run lists of all the products.

 This Part (Run List Assignment mode only)

Indicates that this part of the page name is the same as the name of the part.
For example, if you enter .p.pdf, a matching wild card  is inserted in the Part Run List column. If your part is Cover, page Cover.p1.pdf will be assigned to position 1 in the Cover run list, page Cover.p2.pdf will be assigned to position 2 in the Cover run list and so on.

 All Parts (Run List Assignment mode only)

Assigns the page to the designated page positions in the run lists of all the parts.

Geometry Assignment

Use this tab to create a geometry assignment instruction.
Add a row and then make an entry in each column in the row. Each row creates one line in the APA file.
For example, the following row assigns page geometry settings to the refined page named Cover.p1.pdf.

Refined Filename

Offset X

Offset Y

Trim Size X

Trim Size Y

Scale X

Scale Y



-36 pt

-36 pt

612.0 pt

792.0 pt




Additions or changes made in this view are automatically displayed in the other views, and vice versa.

Refined File Name

Name of the refined file to which you want to assign geometry.
You can state the filename explicitly for example, Book.p1.pdf, or use wild cards.

Offset X

Position of the PDF page horizontally in relation to the lower-left corner of the trim box for the imposition page position.
A negative Offset X repositions the page content to the left of the lower-left corner.
Enter Mixed to retain the original Offset X from the PDF page.

Offset Y

Position of the PDF page vertically in relation to the lower-left corner of the trim box for the imposition page position.
A negative Offset Y repositions the page content below the lower-left corner.
Enter Mixed to retain the original Offset Y from the PDF page.

Trim Size X

X (horizontal) trim size.
Mixed, which is the default, retains the original Trim Size X from the PDF.

Trim Size Y

Y (vertical) trim size.
Mixed, which is the default, retains the original Trim Size Y from the PDF.

Scale X

Horizontal scaling, as a percentage.
Enter Mixed to retain the original Scale X from the PDF.

Scale Y

Vertical scaling, as a percentage.
Enter Mixed to retain the original Scale Y from the PDF.


Number of degrees to rotate the page. Select one of the following options:

  • 0 (no rotation)
  • 90 CW (clockwise)
  • 180
  • 90 CCW (counter-clockwise)
  • Mixed

Mixed retains the original Orientation from the PDF.

Move Rows

The Add button adds a new row below the currently selected row.
The Remove button removes the currently selected row
The Move Down button moves the currently selected row down in the list.
The Move Up button moves the currently selected row up in the list.

Raw APA File

Displays the APA file as it would appear if you opened it in a text editor. You can also use this view to copy or paste portions of other APA files. The instructions that appear in this view are written to an .apa file in the Control folder of the job folder.
Additions or changes made in this view are automatically displayed in the other views, and vice versa.

  • No labels