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    For information about the result of archiving, purging, or retrieving processes, review the archive state of job files or the archive status of the job.

    Use the Visible Columns dialog box in Job Manager and Job Finder to display archive columns.

    Archive State

    The archive state of the file. Possible states are:

      • Online and Never Archived—the file has never been archived, purged, or retrieved.
      • Online and Currently Archived—the file has been archived, but has not been purged or retrieved.
      • Offline—the file has been purged. (It also had to be archived before the purge, or the purging would not occur.)
      • Online and Previously Archived—the file has been changed since it was archived, and has not been archived since it was changed.
      • Missing—the file is not on the file system, and it has not been archived. It also has not been purged because purging deletes files only if they have been archived. Therefore, an action other than purging deleted the file.

    A job's Stale Archive Status is connected to the Archive State of its files.

      • If the Archive State of all files in a job is Online and Never Archived or Online and Currently Archived, the job's Stale Archive Status is None Stale.
      • If the Archive State of some files is Online and Previously Archived, the job's Stale Archive Status is Some Stale.

    A file's archive status changes as follows:


    The File's Archive State Is


    Online and Currently Archived


    Offline, if the file is in the job folder. Purging affects files only if they are in the job folder.
    Missing if Archiver doesn't find the file and file isn't archived.


    Online and Previously Archived


    Archive Status

    The quantity of files in the job that you have archived at any time. Possible statuses are:

      • None—the job has not been archived.
      • Some—some but not all files in the job were archived. This can occur when you:
        • Archive only selected files, not the whole job
        • Archive the job, and then add one or more files to the job, for example, by adding input or processing an input file that had not been processed before the archive
        • Change one or more of the archived files, for example by processing it again
      • All—the job was archived and no changes have been made to any files in the job.

    A job's archive status changes as follows:


    The Job's Archive Status Is


    All if the job was archived.
    Some if selected files were archived.





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