Users of Prepress Portal can add, delete, and change jobs and pre-jobs.

Adding jobs or pre-jobs

Customers can create new jobs from Prepress Portal. The result has different names in Prepress Portal than in Prinergy:

  • It is called a Pre-Production job in Prepress Portal.
  • It is called pre-job in Prinergy, which is visible only in the Pre-Jobs view of Job Manager and has a status of Created.

Changing jobs or pre-jobs

Customers can use Prepress Portal to make jobs into pre-jobs and vice versa:

  • When customers make a Pre-Production job into a Production job in Prepress Portal, they make a pre-job into a job in Prinergy.
  • When customers make a Production job into a Pre-Production job in Prepress Portal, they make a job into a pre-job in Prinergy.

Deleting jobs or pre-jobs

Customers can use Prepress Portal to delete jobs. They can delete only a Pre-Production job in Prepress Portal, which is a pre-job in Prinergy. They cannot delete a Production job in Prepress Portal, which is a job in Prinergy.

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