- Created by user-643be on Aug 16, 2021
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Display defaultThis table summarizes other shortcuts that use the keyboard, mouse, or both.
Note: In these shortcuts, a + (plus sign) is used to mean and—it does not mean to press the + (plus) key.
To achieve this: | Use this shortcut: | Description |
Viewing and selecting items |
Select an imposition page within a page grid | Use the Page Select tool, and click the page |
Select multiple pages, sections, or marks | Press Shift + click the items, or drag a marquee around them |
Select all odd, even, or ranges of pages in a run list | In the Pages List, right-click the product or part, and select an option | Use a dash to indicate a range, and use a comma to separate multiple values (1-4,9-12,21-24). Do not insert spaces. |
Select a fold mark | Mac OS: | Allows you to view and edit the fold mark properties |
Zoom in and out | Roll the mouse wheel | Increases or decreases the zoom as you roll the mouse wheel |
Pan your current view | Press the space bar + drag an object in the workspace | Moves the press sheet in the same way as the Pan tool |
Editing |
Edit a layout's page properties | Select a page in the workspace | Activates the editable text boxes in the workspace, depending on the current View menu selections, and displays the Content Page and Template Page settings in the Properties pane |
Edit a layout's mark | Double-click a mark in the workspace | Displays the selected mark's settings in the Properties pane |
Edit a reusable media, stock, or mark resource | Right-click the item in the corresponding list in the Resources pane | Displays a context menu from which you can choose Edit |
Edit a press-run section's trims | In the workspace, select the section | Activates the editable text boxes in the workspace, depending on the current View menu selections, and displays its settings in the Properties pane |
Edit a product section | From any view, select the section in the Products list. | Displays its settings in the Properties pane |
Edit an imposition on a layout | Double-click the imposition | Displays the Edit Imposition dialog box |
Edit a product or product part | From any view, select the product or part in the Products list. | Displays its settings in the Properties pane. Structural edits of multi-part products can be made only in the Assembly view, such as changing the page count |
Edit content trim boxes | Select the page in the Pages List | Displays the page and trim boxes in the Preview pane (depending on View menu settings) and its run-list page settings in the Properties pane |
Edit a press run's settings | Select the press run in the Press Runs List | Displays its settings in the Properties pane. You can also edit certain settings directly in the list row. |
Edit gutters in a layout | In the workspace, select the press-run section | Displays its editable gutter or trim text boxes in the workspace and Properties pane |
Edit a media's punch location | In the Media list, right-click the media, select Edit, and in the Media Configuration dialog box, click Punch Location. | Displays the Punch Location dialog box |
Edit a layout's distance between the sheet edge and the media punch | In the workspace, select the stock. | Displays its settings in the Properties pane, including the editable Punch Distance |
Moving items |
Move a page along its axis | Press Shift + drag a page | Moves a page to a position that is on the X or Y axis of its original position. If you move the page diagonally, it snaps to its nearest original axis. |
Nudge an item | Select the item and use the arrow keys | Moves the selected, unlocked page or mark in the direction of the arrow |
Override the snap behavior | Mac OS: | Drags the selected page without regard to snap settings. When you release the mouse, the page remains exactly where it is instead of snapping to the nearest available grid line. |
Replacing items |
Replace a content page in a layout | Drag the new page over the old page until the recycle symbol appears, then drop. | Replaces that page and any other page on the press sheet that has the same template number. Retains the original template page properties for each replaced page. |
Replace content on only one of multiple same-numbered template pages | Mac OS: | Replaces only the page with a recycling symbol on it, even if it is in a group. Does not affect any other pages with the same template page number. Assigns the next available template page number to the new page. Works only for pages dragged from the file list. |
Replace a stock or media in a layout | Double-click the new item in the Stock or Media list | Replaces a stock or media without removing any placed pages |
Replace a press-run layout | Double-click the new template signature in the Templates list | Removes any placed pages and replaces the existing layout resources in the workspace |
Replace selected file list placeholder with content | Job > Replace File Placeholder | Replaces the file placeholder with content. If the new file is larger or smaller than the placeholder, a message asks you what to do with the extra pages in the larger file. |
Creating duplicates |
Duplicate a selected page once | Mac OS: | Places a copy of the original page, with content, where you release the mouse |
Duplicate a selected page via step and repeat | Mac OS: | Displays a dialog box with the step-and-repeat options |
Duplicate a selected press run | Mac OS: | Adds and selects the duplicated press-run layout, without content |
Copy a selected press run or ganged page | Mac OS: | Inserts a copy of the press run or places a copy of the page where you release the mouse, with content |
Deleting pages |
Delete the entire selected page from a layout | Press Delete. | Deletes the selected template page and its content. This does not affect the Files list. |
Remove only the content from a selected page on a layout | Mac OS: | Removes only the selected content page and not its template page. If used on a page group, removes all the content pages and retains the template pages. |
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