You can select, customize, and save a fold pattern under a new name, and optionally group it with other fold patterns in a custom fold set.
Adding a fold pattern to a layout creates one imposition section in a specific production orientation on the sheet, and you can rotate or flip the section on the sheet.
Each fold pattern contains prenumbered template pages in a specific orientation relative to the binding edge. For special binding requirements, you can access another dialog box for transforming the pages relative to a different binding edge.

Fold Sets

Available Fold Patterns

Lists the patterns that match your specified page count

JDF Fold Pattern

Lists the available standard JDF patterns that are based on left-side binding for production purposes.

The JDF fold pattern sets are grouped according to the number of pages in each pattern. For example, select F8 to display thumbnails of all the standard 8pp fold patterns.

Custom fold patterns

Displays the unique fold patterns that you created, listed individually or under the group names that you defined.


The Preview pane displays the fold pattern or fold set that you select in the Fold Sets list. If you open this dialog box after filtering it by page count, it displays the patterns in the Available Fold Patterns list.
For standard JDF patterns, the CIP4 fold catalog identifier for this fold pattern is displayed. For more details, see the CIP4 Pagination Catalog, available at
The following items appear for each previewed fold pattern.

Pattern name and grid

The name of the standard or custom fold pattern is followed by the number of horizontal and vertical pages in this pattern's grid.

Thumbnail diagram

Each diagram shows the template page positions relative to the binding edge.

  • A symbol indicates the page head direction.
  • Cut lines are dashed, and fold lines are solid.
  • A solid line with gray shading indicates the binding edge.
  • A red solid-line symbol indicates the sheet reference corner, which is dashed when the fold pattern is flipped.


Clicking the fold pattern thumbnail activates this button.
When the thumbnail is not selected, it displays the current rotation.
Set the degree of rotation relative to the sheet's grip edge. Each successive click of the activated button rotates the pattern thumbnail by 90 degrees.


Clicking the fold pattern thumbnail activates this button.
When the thumbnail is not selected, it displays which side of this fold pattern will by default be placed on the front of the press sheet for production purposes.
The default state is No (not flipped). Select Yes to flip the fold pattern.

Save As

Click to save the currently displayed thumbnail, rotation, and flip status as a custom fold pattern. You can also save an unchanged standard fold pattern as a custom pattern if you want to use a different name, or place it in a custom group.
In the Save Custom Fold Pattern dialog box, you can perform any of the following actions:

  • Give the fold pattern a Custom Name.
  • Select an existing fold set in the Group list.
  • Type a new group name to create a fold set that contains this fold pattern.

Bind Edge

Displays the Bind Edge dialog box
Experienced users can apply flip and rotate transformations to change the orientation of the pages relative to the binding edge. For more details, see the CIP4 Pagination Catalog, available at

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