Page tree

The following procedures show you how to create a unique custom fold pattern. The available options are:

  • Use an existing fold pattern and modify the page numbering.
  • Use the Create Imposition method, in order to define a specific number of horizontal and vertical pages.

In both cases, use the following the basics rules for customizing a fold pattern:

  • Must start with a page number 1.
  • Must have all pages numbered sequentially, up to the maximum number of pages defined. If necessary, you can use duplicate page numbers.
    Note: You cannot use duplicate page numbers when you are working with JDF fold patterns.
  • There can only be one section.
  • You can also save a custom fold pattern with a section that includes independent pages. When adding these fold patterns to a Press Run you will be prompted to set the independent page properties. 
  • Multiple webs will be defined as multiple sheets for the custom fold pattern.

  • No labels