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PRINERGY Portal supports the latest versions of the following browsers on Mac and Windows OS.

BrowserOS and Version


Mac and Windows


Mac and Windows


Windows only


Mac only

*Firefox: some widgets may not work correctly in Firefox with Digital Press PDR dashboards.

Dashboard Fonts

PRINERGY Portal Dashboards use Segoe UI font as the default for text, the Din font as default for numbers, and other fonts when creating reports, dashboards, and other items.

These fonts might not be available on non-Windows computers such as Macs. As a result the fonts, alignment of items, and visuals for the same report may look different when viewed on a Windows computer versus a Mac.

The Calibri and Cambria fonts are only installed on Macs that have Microsoft Office installed. They aren't included in the default set of fonts on Macs.

If you're creating reports viewed on Mac computers, select fonts that display properly on Macs.

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