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Import and configure an RBA rule set that accepts manual data input from the PLA Client to create a layout, create a job in the Prinergy Workflow software, and import the layout into the Prinergy Workflow job. 

The RBA rule set can be extended with any number of valid RBA actions, such as creating a layout proof after the layout is successfully imported into the Prinergy Workflow job and sending an e-mail message to a customer service representative or operator after the layout proof is successfully created.

After you complete the procedure on this page, you will continue by configuring one of the following rule sets:


To enter manual data, you must use an existing layout ticket template or create a new layout ticket template to suit the requirements of your production environment. If necessary, create a new layout ticket template by using the template creation tools on the Configuration tab in the PLA Client software. The Configuration tab is visible only if you log on to the client computer as an administrator.

Creating a Prinergy template for all jobs created by PLA

  1. In Workshop, create a job or pre-job called PLATemplateJob that you will use as a template job for all jobs created by PLA. You will use this job in the next procedure.
    • For instructions on creating template jobs, see the Prinergy Workflow Workshop User Guide.
    • This step is not necessary if:
    • To reduce the chance of the template job being accidentally modified or erased, create this job as a pre-job, which is less visible to operators. If this job is deleted, the RBA Create Job action will fail.
    • This job can also act as a repository for XML job tickets created by PLA. It must be preserved to prevent the loss of these tickets as templates.
  2. In Workshop, select Tools > Rule Set Manager.
    Do not open Rule Set Manager from within a job. 
  3. Select File > New Group, type a name for the group, and click OK.
    Note: This guide uses PLA System Rule Sets as an example.
  4. In the Rule Set Library pane, select the newly created group.
  5. Click File > Import and perform these actions:
    1. From the Program Files (x86)\Kodak\Layout Automation\Sample Files\RuleSets folder on the Prinergy Workflow primary server, select .
    2. Click Import.
  6. Confirm that the newly created PLA System Rule Sets group contains the following rule sets:
    • PLA Custom Event
    • PLA Delete PLA Job and Layouts Only
    • PLA Delete Prinergy Layout
    • PLA Delete Prinergy Layout-Versatile Layout Home
    • PLA Import Prinergy Layout
    • PLA System Level Rule
    • PLA System Level Rule-Versatile Layout Home
    • PLA XML Validation Failed Warning
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