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If your system is set up to use MIS data, layouts are created automatically when data is sent from an MIS. Otherwise, create a layout ticket by entering the layout data into a form in the PLA Client.

You can also create a new layout ticket from an existing ticket, which allows you to preserve manual changes that were made to the layout using the Pandora software. This can save time and effort when doing repeat work for existing folding carton layouts with complicated bleed resolution or unique lap data marks placed on artworks. 

If the layout has the Auto Split Bleed Overlaps option enabled, you can also automatically perform bleed resolution in non-rectangular artwork without having to use the Pandora software. You cannot use this option on the layout if it is set up to use Auto Resolve Rectangular Bleeds. These two options are mutually exclusive. 

The PLA software can create populated and unpopulated layouts.

Validation and errors

Your system may have validation rules to check the validity of the layout data. These custom rules are created by your administrator.

For example, a validation rule can check that the substrate is smaller than the plate. If a layout ticket does not pass the validation rules, the layout creation process fails.

Layout creation errors can occur when required data is missing or when the data does not pass the validation rules. If the data does not pass the validation rules, the software pauses so that you can correct the data.

Note: The PLA user interface provides visual indicators of job ticket validation. The status window at the bottom of the job ticket is colored entirely green if job ticket validation succeeded, yellow if there are warnings, and red if it failed. This instantly indicates whether or not the job ticket requires further attention or you can safely continue as all checks have been successfully confirmed.

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