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  1. How do you create a Smart Layout manually?

    a. Create a new job with no template. 

    b. Select SmartLayout

    c. Add a substrate. 

    d. Import the artwork. 

    e. Select each artwork and specify values in the Parameters section. 

    f. Select an item under Sheets, and specify values in the Parameters section. 

    g. Select options, if desired. 

    h. Click Create Solution and view the results. 

    i. If desired, adjust the parameters and create more selections. 

    j. Select the best solution and click Apply

    k. Save the job and output it as a PDF file.

  2. How do you create a Smart Layout with an Excel spreadsheet?

    a. Prepare an Excel file for the Smart Layout that specifies file names for the artwork, the location of the artwork, and the values that you want to set for the Smart Layout artwork parameters. 

    b. Create a new job with no template. 

    c. Select SmartLayout

    d. Add a substrate. 

    e. Click Import Excel

    f. Select an item under Sheets, and specify values in the Parameters section. 

    g. Select options, if desired. 

    h. Click Create Solution and view the results. 

    i. If desired, adjust the parameters and create more selections. 

    j. Select the best solution and click Apply

    k. Save the job and output it as a PDF file. 

  3. How can you generate reports for the solutions you create?

    a. Select a solution and click Save Report

    b. Specify where to save the .txt file.













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