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  1. Can you place a die or artwork in the layout view without a substrate selected?

    Yes. It doesn't matter which order items are added to the layout view.

  2. Can you output a job without a substrate selected?

    No. You must select a substrate before you are able to output a job.

  3. Does it matter in which order you import artwork and dies?

    No. You can import either the artwork or the dies first.

  4. Does it matter in which order you place artwork and dies?

    Yes. If you want to snap artwork to a die, you need to place the die in the layout view first. Then, with the die selected, you add the artwork to the layout view. This ensures that the artwork automatically snaps to and populates the die.

  5. How do you add a SmartMark to a layout? How do you position a SmartMark?

    To add a SmartMark to a layout, you simply drag the mark from the Marks palette directly to the layout. The SmartMark automatically positions itself accurately in the layout.

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