File menu
Open | Select and open a CF2 or EPS file for editing. |
Save | Save the open file. |
Save As | Save the open file with a new name and/or location that you specify. |
Export | Export the file for use in editing programs such as Adobe Illustrator. |
Reload | Reload the last saved version of the open file. |
Add Die | Add pattern files (CF2 or EPS) to the original. |
Quit | Quit the application. |
Edit menu
Undo | Undo the last item. |
Zoom up | Zoom in on the Preview pane. |
Zoom down | Zoom out on the Preview pane. |
Zoom to Fit | Zoom the Preview pane to fit its contents. |
Zoom to | Zoom the Preview pane to a percentage that you specify. |
Preferences | Open the Preferences dialog box. |
CAD Correct menu
Adjust Sheet Sizes | Recalculate the sheet size to fit the outer boundaries of the die. |
Unique die per stations | Create unique dies for all stations (duplicating dies for multiple station dies). The new die name is |
Clean CF2 | Remove unused or empty patterns to the CF2 file and eliminate similar redundant patterns. Also check for pattern rotation to compact the file. |
Auto-Correct | Allow automatic correction of the patterns. Use this setting with caution, because the automatic algorithm cannot determine whether a line in the pattern |
Join Dies | Concatenate the values of two (or all) of the patterns in the stations. |
Rescale CF2 | Rescale the complete file by a given factor, only for scales between 1/100 and 100. |
Collect non cut lines | For flat files after the extraction of individual dies, assign remaining non-cut lines from the original pattern to the extracted dies if possible. |
Help menu
About | Show the version number of CAD Correct. |
Instructions | Open the User Guide. |