When you start Pandora from the Prinergy Workflow software, it automatically imports artwork from the Prinergy Workflow job.

Note: Avoid importing other artwork to Pandora while using Pandora in integrated mode. If you add artwork while working on a layout in Pandora that was created by the Prinergy Workflow software, you will have to add this artwork as input and refine it to register it in the Prinergy Workflow database. This artwork can then be assigned to the layout that was created. You will notice that there were empty artwork assignments in the layout, which is a direct result of adding artwork outside Prinergy Workflow.

Note the following tips for jobs that use dies and for step-and-repeat jobs that do not use dies.

  • When you create the artwork in a drawing program, set a spot color for the die line (if you name the spot color "Die Line" in the drawing program, "Die Line" is offered as the default die line color when you import the artwork). When you import the artwork into Pandora, you select the die line color, and the software uses the die line to automatically align the artwork to the die. The software needs this correlation between the die line colors to automatically snap the artwork to the die station.
  • You can import composite PDF files and pre-separated PDF files into Pandora jobs. You can print jobs containing pre-separated PDF files to CIP3 PPF, JDF-MIME (with CIP3 cutting data embedded), JDF-non-MIME (with CIP3 cutting data embedded), PJTF - Kodak Prinergy (with CIP3 cutting data embedded), and PJTF job tickets. You cannot print jobs containing pre-separated PDF files to an output device or PDF file. Pre-separated artwork appears in the Pandora job window as a composite job.
  • If the file contains hidden layers and you import the artwork, Pandora will display a warning, and make the layers visible on the layout and during final output.
  • The Pandora software does not have font-handling functionality. Embed the fonts when you distill the artwork to create a PDF. For information about settings in Adobe Distiller, refer to the information about input files in the Prinergy Workflow Workshop User Guide.
  • Pandora will warn you if you try to import PDF artwork files in the Device RGB color space, and will convert separations in PDF artwork files in the Device Gray color space to separation black.
  • You can select multiple artwork files by holding down the Shift key as you select files. When the artwork name appears in the Artwork folder on the Content tab in job properties, drag it to the layout view.
  • Information about the artwork file appears under Attributes on the Content tab in job properties. The coordinates of the artwork appear on the Geometry palette after you drag the artwork to the layout view. If you drag more than one copy of the artwork to the layout view, the Geometry palette displays the coordinates of the artwork currently selected.
  • You can right-click artwork that you are working on in the layout and rotate it by 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
  • The View menu offers options to hide the artwork or show it as keylines.
  • No labels