When a CAD format is transferred to another CAD format, information about individual items is sometimes lost. As a result, multiple items display as a single item in the new CAD file. To work with the file in CAD Correct, you need to first define the die line for an individual item.

To define the die line for an item:

  1. In the Input file pane, in the Current Item list, select Die_0.
  2. Zoom in on the station in the lower-left corner.
  3. Select the Line tab.
  4. Using the pointer, select each line segment that is a crease.
  5. In the list next to the Set button, select Crease, then click Set.
  6. Click on a single outer cut line that defines the die.
  7. Click Show Die.
    An individual station is identified.
  8. Select the Die tab, then click Extract Die. You may need to perform one or more of the following actions. Continue until all lines that are not needed are green and only the die line remains blue.
    • Change the view to select lines. For more information about changing the view, see Changing the view.
    • Create new lines to complete gaps in the die line by editing from the Die tab, then clicking the Preview pane where you want to add the line. For more information about creating new lines, see Adding lines to an item.
    • Delete lines, where a series of lines are stacked and you cannot select them, by clicking Remove on the Line tab.
      Note: If the basic pattern (Die_0) contains only unwanted segments, you can delete the station associated with it.
  9. To delete an unwanted station:
    1. Select the Station tab to show all the dies.
    2. Select the unwanted station.
    3. Click Remove.
  10. When you finish defining all the items, from the CAD Correct menu, select Clean CF2.
  11. If no further edits are required, see Saving a file.
  • No labels