Note: KODAK does not recommend configuring KODAK Proofing Software (KPS) with a remote proofer. The KPS controller or KPS VM should be running in the same location as any connected proofer. While using a remote proofer offers convenience, it's crucial to consider potential security risks and challenges associated with remote access (network drops, etc). KODAK does not support this setup and recommends purchasing a local KPS controller or KPS VM if you are planning to connect proofers from multiple locations.
- Kodak Proofing Software for Matchprint Inkjet (MPI)
- Software-based license
- Workstations
- KPS system—Epson printers, media, color content
- Antivirus software
- Spectrophotometers, as needed
- Kodak controller specifications for new installations
- Specifications for upgrades of existing controllers
- Suggested specifications for proofer client computers
- Suggested specifications for demo laptop computers
- DYMO Label Writer