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Don't Optimize More Than This Number of Tries

Identifies the maximum number of optimization rounds the Precision Color Calibration wizard will attempt when trying to calibrate the proofer. An optimization round includes printing and measuring a chart.

After the maximum number of optimization rounds are complete, the Precision Color Calibration wizard stops, regardless of whether the calibration is within tolerance. The Don't Optimize More Than This Number of Tries option helps you avoid using more media than expected to automatically calibrate the proofer.

When Measurements are Within Tolerance, Accept Calibration

Specifies when the Precision Color Calibration wizard should accept a calibration. Choose one of the following options:

  • Immediately: instructs the Precision Color Calibration wizard to accept the calibration as soon as the spectrophotometer measurement numbers are less than the tolerance numbers.
  • When no further optimization improvement is likely (lowest error): instructs the Precision Color Calibration wizard to continue optimizing the calibration to pursue lower spectrophotometer measurement numbers. The Precision Color Calibration wizard will accept the calibration when it is unlikely to achieve lower measurement numbers.

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