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The TIFF Wait Time that is currently set in Proofer Administrator is shown on each 1-bit TIFF hot folder’s Screened File Settings dialog box and works in conjunction with the hot folder’s Number of Separations in 1-bit TIFF Jobs setting.

  1. In Proofer Administrator, select ControllerSettings.
  2. In the TIFF Wait Time (seconds)box, scroll to the desired value, or select the existing value and overtype as needed. (One-bit TIFF hot folders will wait up to the indicated number of seconds for the rest of the files to arrive after receiving the first file for a job. Processing starts either when the hot folder receives the number of files specified by its Number of Separations in 1-bit TIFF Jobs setting or when the wait time expires, whichever comes first. If a file is delayed and is submitted after processing starts, the hot folder starts a new job and wait time.; default value is 120)
  3. To verify the change, check a new or existing 1-bit TIFF hot folder—on the Input Filestab, in the Screened File Settings area, click Setup.

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