For Input Files Without a White Channel
Note: It's not recommended to use white flood with a hot folder that is set up to print color keys because the hot folder prints a white flood separation for each color-key separation.
Do not use white flood
Turns off white flood. Kodak Proofing Software does not add white flood to the proof. (White flood still prints when input files include content for white flood. This option does not affect the content of the input files.)
Use proofer white flood (for profiling)
Adds white flood made with proofer ink to proofs. The system uses only white ink to print the white flood. (The system does not use a mix of CMYKW inks to tint the white ink.) Use this option to print white flood for input files that lack content for white flood, such as a four-color profile chart. You can use the printed profile chart to characterize the Matchprint Inkjet proofer with white ink and create a proofer profile.
The Print button submits a White Level and Opacity Chart to the proofer. The White Level and Opacity chart contains a series of white patches printed with different levels of white ink. Use the chart to select a white level for the White Level % box. The system prints the White Level and Opacity Chart with color management turned off. As a result, only white ink is used to print the chart. No combinations of CMYKW ink are used to print the chart.
By default, the White Level (%) box displays the white level from the media configuration that is selected for the hot folder or virtual printer. You can customize the white level in the hot folder or virtual printer if desired. The custom white level is used only to add white flood to proofs. The custom white level does not affect the media configuration.
The Reset button returns the hot folder or virtual printer to the white level specified in the media configuration that is selected for the hot folder or virtual printer. The system always uses the white level in the media configuration for calibration.
Use press white
Adds white flood made from a recipe. The recipe defines which inks to use for white flood, and you can use a mix of CMYKW inks. The mixture of inks allows the white flood printed by the proofer to simulate white flood printed by a press. Use this option to print white flood for input files that lack content for white flood, but will be printed on a off-white substrate on press. The white flood simulates the substrate.
The Browse button opens the Choose a Color dialog box to let you select a color from a color library. The selected color specifies the recipe to use for press white flood.
Note: Use the Color Database Editor to define user libraries and to add or edit color recipes.