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You usually need to print Paper Feed Adjustment charts and adjust the paper feed several times to achieve the desired results.

Visually examine the printed charts to find the best paper feed adjustment, which you then specify as the Current Adjustment.

The chart description and your visual examination depend on the printer model and media configuration resolution:

Printer and resolutionChart descriptionExamining the charts
Epson Stylus Pro 4900, 7900, 9900, 7890, 9890; Epson SureColor P6000, P7000, P8000, P9000, P7570, P9570. All resolutions.Rows of Black Lines

There are many sections of black lines on the chart.  Each section was printed a different paper feed value.  Using a magnification loupe, examine each section of rows. Ignoring any vertical defects in each row, identify the section with the smoothest, thinnest, most continuous lines.  The graphic in the user interface shows images taken with a 40x loupe at various levels of quality.  The left side with the green checkmark shows the best possible result, the right side with the red "X" shows a bad result, with varying levels in-between.  Not all media and printer models can produce ideal lines.  Choose the paper feed value with the best lines.  

Note: The chart is designed to show defects, allowing you to better see adjustment results. You should not see the defects when you print proofs.

                                                   Best             Better           Good           Worse          Worst


Epson Stylus Pro 4800, 9800 and 9880 printers using media configurations with a resolution of 360 x720 dpiGray patches of varying colorLight stripes indicate the paper feed adjustment is too large, while dark stripes indicate that the paper feed adjustment is too small.

Look for light or dark stripes along the gray patches. The gray patches should be smooth from left to right, with no equally spaced horizontal lines (stripes) from top to bottom.

Also look for color differences between the top and bottom of the patches. Patch color should be uniform. The image in the wizard below the x shows an example of undesirable patches that change color from top to bottom.

Epson Stylus Pro 4800, 9800 and 9880 printers using media configurations with the following resolutions: 1440 x 2880 | 1440 x 2880 | 1440 x 1440 | 1440 x 720 | 720 x 720Gray patches of varying colorGraininess and color changes across a patch indicate too much or too little paper feed adjustment.

Look for uniform gray patches and smooth grain across the row.

All other Epson Stylus Pro printers, media configurations, and resolutions

Blue gradation

Light stripes indicate the paper feed adjustment is too large, while dark stripes indicate that the paper feed adjustment is too small. The vertical spacing differs for different resolutions.

Look for light or dark stripes along the gradation. The gradation should be smooth from left to right, with no equally-spaced horizontal lines (stripes) from top to bottom.

Note: The paper adjustment value can shift slightly with large changes in temperature and humidity.  Therefore, it is recommended to complete the entire media configuration creation process as quickly as possible in order to produce the best result.

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