Color bars are used to check the color quality of proofs. The artwork can be printed per-proof or per-sheet, depending on the layout setting.
Only enabled color bars can be added to a layout. The Proofer Administrator Color Bars tab lists all of the available color bars for a proofer and shows their enabled or disabled state. Each color bar represents a resource that stores the artwork for a specific spectrophotometer type and the target L*a*b* values for a selected or customized characterization standard.
Matchprint Inkjet proofing color bars
Matchprint Inkjet color bars support only the CMYK color space and are used primarily for the Certified Process for Color Confirmation. You may also create and use color bars for your own quality control processes.
The Certified Process checks color bar measurements against the stored target L*a*b* values.
Note: Legacy Media configurations imported using the .INSTALL method typically include a sample color bar that simulates an older proofing standard. Newer color content downloads do not include a color bar.
Color bar export and import
A color bar can be exported and imported for use at another Kodak Proofing Software system.
When you export a color bar, the software produces a ZIP file that contains the color bar artwork and a UserMark.xml description file. When you import the ZIP file, the software uses the XML file to create the color bar resource.
- Matchprint Inkjet color bar components
- Managing color bars
- Color Bars tab
- Preparing color bars for Certified Process workflows - MPI