Displays the maximum measured number followed by the maximum tolerance number
Displays the maximum measured number followed by the maximum tolerance number
Displays the average measured number followed by the average tolerance number
Total Reduction in Maximum Error
Displays a number after you perform one or more optimization rounds
Total Reduction in Average Error
Displays a number after you perform one or more optimization rounds
ΔE94 and ΔEab
Specifies how to display the measurement results and tolerance information. The measurement results are in ΔE94. However, you can view the measurements results in ΔEab if desired.
When you select the ΔEab button, the measurement results appear in ΔEab, and the tolerance information is hidden from view. Select the ΔE94 button to display the measurement and
tolerance information.
Summary Graph
Shows the measured numbers in ΔE on the left axis of the graph. The bars show the measured color patches on the chart. Position your mouse over a color patch to see the patch label and its measurement.