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    Creating a Windows system image backup for Dell XE3 Controller (performed by Kodak Service Representative)

    Immediately after installing and configuring Kodak Proofing Software on a new install, the Kodak Service representative will connect an external USB drive and use the Microsoft Create System Image Utility to create a system image backup.

    Important: Make sure the external USB drive used for backup is stored in a secure location and available for disaster recovery in future.  For redundancy, Kodak recommends that you save a copy of the system image on a network drive.

    For Kodak internal reference, see SKV 74772.

    Creating a Windows system image backup for Dell 7050 Controller (performed by Kodak Service Representative)

    Immediately after installing and configuring Kodak Proofing Software on a new install, the Kodak Service representative will connect a USB thumb drive and use the WIN PE DVD disk to create a system image backup.

    Important: Make sure the external USB thumb drive used for backup is stored in a secure location and available for disaster recovery in future.  For redundancy, Kodak recommends that you save a copy of the system image on a network drive.

    For Kodak internal reference, see SKV 72887 (under Installation Instructions for Dell 7050).

    Creating a Windows system image backup for Dell 7040 Controller (performed by Kodak Service Representative)

    Immediately after installing and configuring Kodak Proofing Software on a new install, the Kodak Service representative will connect an external USB drive and use the Microsoft Create System Image Utility to create a system image backup.

    Important: Make sure the external USB drive used for backup is stored in a secure location and available for disaster recovery in future.  For redundancy, Kodak recommends that you save a copy of the system image on a network drive.

    For Kodak internal reference, see SKV 72887 (under Installation Instructions for Dell 7040).

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