When the automatic Get License feature cannot be used, you can check that an upgrade license is available for your dongle ID, and then manually download the license file.


  • The Server ID
  • Upgrade entitlement available in the Product Registration and License Activation System (PLAS)
  • A computer with Internet access

  1. Log on to Partner Place at https://partnerplace.kodak.com/, and select Service & Support > Product Registration and License Activation.
  2. Select Product Registration and License Activation.
  3. Click View registered products.
    The information that appears depends on the products or sites that are associated with your user account.
  4. Perform the following actions, depending on your situation and what you see displayed on the PLAS page after the previous step:

    If you see this:

    It means that your user account is associated with this:

    Perform these actions to update the list of products:

    The product details

    Only one product

    None—the list is up to date.

    The list of products

    Multiple products

    None—the list is up to date.

    No products

    No products; however, you represent a company that has a PLAS account, and the dongle ID is registered to that company

    Provide the requested information on the PLAS page:

    1. To help the system locate your company's entitlement information, provide a registered email address for either the company or yourself:
      • To locate your company's account, provide the email address that is registered for this company
      • If a company representative previously added you to the list of authorized users for the company account, provide the email address that this person specified for you.
    2. Provide the dongle ID. The list of products that are registered to that dongle ID appears.

    A list of sites

    Multiple sites

    Select the applicable site to display the list of products and dongle IDs that are registered to that site.

    The displayed information is updated. If only one product is registered, its details are displayed. If multiple products are registered, the products are listed, and the Serial number column displays the registered dongle ID for each product.

  5. If multiple products are listed, select the dongle ID (Serial number) for the product that you are upgrading, and click Continue to display its summary details.

    Note: If you cannot see the correct serial number, click the click here link, and type the dongle ID. If this dongle ID is recognized as being associated with your account, its details are displayed. For example, this might occur if you are using a dongle that was transferred from a different site.
  6. After checking the summary details to confirm that this is the correct product, click Apply version change.
  7. In the Target version list, select the version to which you want to upgrade.
  8. Type the confirmation code that appears in the image, and click Confirm.

    The generated alphanumeric characters for the new license key appear in a text box, and a downloadable license file is also created.
  9. Click Download the license key, and save the .xml file to an accessible location.

    Note: To avoid corrupting the license data, do not change or even open this file.
  10. If you also need a text version of the license key, copy and paste the displayed license text into a plain-text file, and save that file to an accessible location.

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