Processor display information

The processor display area contains the following information:

Job name

This is the same name as the original job source file (unless there is more than one file of the same name).

Progress bar

Displays the proportion of the job that has been processed. Note that the length of time to process a job may be substantially longer or shorter than the part already processed.

Processor queue controls


Click to delete the selected job.

Move to Top

Click to move the selected job to the top of the Processor queue.


Click to hold the selected job (that is, stop it from moving into the Processor). Aicon appears beside the job.


Click to resume proofing the held sheet.

Processor queue information

The following information is displayed in columns for each sheet in the processor queue:

Proof Name

This is the same name as the original source file (unless there is more than one file of the same name)

Time Received

The time and date when the proof was received by the proofer. This time is not identical to the time it was submitted, as it takes time to transfer the data over the network.

Note: This time is based on your Proofer Controller's clock.

Error Message

Proofs that fail in the processor display in the Processor queue with a failed icon ().

Dowloading Status

Proofs that are currently downloading from the workflow system (Prinergy) or being processed by the hot folder or virtual printer (for systems with the Open Connectivity kit) are displayed in the Processor queue with the downloading icon (). A status bar also shows the download progress.

Note: If a proof fails or is canceled while downloading, it does not display a failed icon. If this is the case, delete the proof to remove it from the queue.

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