In Proofer Viewer, most diagnostic tools are in the Service window. Opening the Service window, however, activates a diagnostic session, which means that no normal proofing operations can happen while the Service window is open. The tools in the Maintenance window, such as the monitors, are Service window tools that do not require control of the proofer.

From this tab, you can:

  • Open the Service window.
  • View how much ink is left in the ink kit
  • View how many remaining proofs can be printed on the donors loaded in the proofer
  • Create an Error Report.

Note: The error reporting tools in the Proofer Administrator and Maintenance window differ slightly. The error reporting tools in the Proofer Administrator collect information from the logs in the Proofer Controller. The error reporting tools in the Maintenance window collect information from the logs in both the Proofer Controller and the Proofer Client application.

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