

Causes a layout to appear in the Layout list when you create a hot folder or virtual printer (open connectivity) or process template (direct connectivity)


Prevents a layout from appearing in the Layout list when you create a hot folder or virtual printer (open connectivity) or process template (direct connectivity)


Opens the Layout Editor dialog box to create a layout. New layouts are enabled by default.


Opens the selected layout for editing. Although you cannot change a built-in layout, you can open one, edit the layout options, and then save it as a new custom layout.


Deletes the selected layout.Note: Some layouts cannot be deleted.


Opens the Import Layout dialog box, where you can select a layout to import


Opens the Export Layout dialog box, where you can specify the location of the exported layout

Set default

Sets the currently selected layout to be the default.The default layout is automatically selected when you create a hot folder or virtual printer (open connectivity) or process template (direct connectivity). You can change the layout if desired.



Lists the names of all layouts currently in the system


Indicates how the layout arranges the proofs on the sheet (Grid, Scatter, or Tiled)


Indicates whether the layout is a built-in or custom layout. Custom layouts are built with the Layout Editor.

Matchprint Desktop layouts for roll media

2 up 17 x 14 in (43.2 x 35.6 cm)

Creates a 2-up grid layout designed to image two letter-sized page layouts. To increase the height of the sheet, use the Layout Editor to modify this layout.

Scatter 17 x 24 in (43.2 x 61 cm)

Creates a layout that arranges proofs to maximize sheet coverage. Scatter layouts do not necessarily arrange proofs in grids of uniformly spaced horizontal and vertical proof areas, unless that is the most efficient arrangement.

Tiled 17 x 24 in (43.2 x 61 cm)

Creates a layout that uses multiple 1-up sheets to print a complete image when the image is larger than the imageable area of one sheet

Matchprint 400 layouts for roll media

4 Up 24 x 20 in (61 x 50.8) SheetCS

Creates a 4-up grid layout designed to image two letter-sized page layouts. To increase the height of the sheet, use the Layout Editor to modify this layout.

Flatwork 24 x 36 in (61 x 91.4) SheetCS

Creates a 1-up layout for proofing a single side of a 4- or 8-up imposition

Scatter 24 x 36 in (61 x 91.4)

Creates a layout that arranges proofs to maximize sheet coverage. Scatter layouts do not necessarily arrange proofs in grids of uniformly spaced horizontal and vertical proof areas, unless that is the most efficient arrangement.

Tiled 24 x 36 in (61 x 91.4)

Creates a layout that uses multiple 1-up sheets to print a complete image when the image is larger than the imageable area of one sheet

Matchprint 400 layouts for sheet media

2 Sided 22 x 30 in (55.9 x 76.2 cm)

Creates a double-sided layout for proofing the front and back of 4- or 8-up impositions. To change the double-sided style, edit the layout and change as required.

Matchprint 800 layouts for roll media

Flatwork 42 x 32 in (106.7 x 81.3 cm) SheetCS

Creates a 1-up layout for proofing a single side of a 4- or 8-up imposition

Scatter 42 x 32 in (106.7 x 81.3 cm)

Creates a layout that arranges proofs to maximize sheet coverage. Scatter layouts do not necessarily arrange proofs in grids of uniformly spaced horizontal and vertical proof areas, unless that is the most efficient arrangement.

Tiled 42 x 32 in (106.7 x 81.3 cm)

Creates a layout that uses multiple 1-up sheets to print a complete image when the image is larger than the imageable area of one sheet

Matchprint 800 layouts for sheet media

2 Sided 42 x 32 in (106.7 x 81.3 cm)Creates a double-sided layout for proofing the front and back of 4- or 8-up impositions. To change the double-sided style, edit the layout and change as required.

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