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Edits to spot tint libraries affect all hot folders that use the selected spot tint library.

  1. In Proofer Viewer, from the Configure menu, select Spot Tint Color Libraries.
  2. Select a spot tint library.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. When hot folders reference the spot tint library, a dialog box appears that lists the hot folders. Click Continue.

Later you can choose whether to save the changes to the existing spot tint library or create a new spot tint library.

5. Set the options as desired.
6. When you want to customize one or more colors in the spot tint library, click Customize.
7. Perform one of the following actions:


Do this

Save the changes to the existing spot tint library

Click Save.

Save the changes to a new spot tint library with a unique name

a.     Click Save As.

b.     In the Name box, type a unique name for the spot tint library, and click OK.

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