The Precision Color Media Configuration wizard guides you through the process of creating a media configuration for your inkjet proofer and a specific media.

The Precision Color Calibration wizard is also used to calibrate the proofer for the media after the calibration expires.
Note: With an inline spectrophotometer, the Precision Color Media Configuration wizard can operate in automated mode after the Total Ink Limit step and complete the media configuration for you.

The Media Configuration wizard guides you through the following steps:

  • Select a media type
  • Select media configuration settings for the media
  • Select a spectrophotometer
  • Choose a total ink limit
  • Determine a single-channel ink limit
  • Determine gray balance
  • Characterize the printer
  • Calibrate the proofer for the media configuration

When you finish, the inkjet proofer is calibrated for the media configuration. Kodak Proofing Software recommends that you calibrate the inkjet proofer weekly.
Tip: If using an Epson Stylus Pro 7700 or 7900 printer, an offline spectrophotometer, and sheet media, set the front panel of the printer to roll media while you create the media configuration. The roll media setting stops the printer from ejecting the sheet after each chart prints, and you can print multiple charts on one sheet. After you complete the media configuration, use the front panel of the printer to select sheet media again.

  • No labels