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    The color database is a Prinergy Evo software component that is built into Kodak Proofing Software. Use the Color Database Editor to manage the factory or user-defined color libraries that are used to convert spots to process.

    The proofer images spot color separations as process equivalents based on their recipes. For example, a workflow that is configured to preserve spot colors will process a spot color for final output on its own separation. However, the proofer requires a recipe in order to match that spot color. To locate the recipe, the proofing or workflow software searches for the color name in a specified color library.

    For direct connectivity, the library containing the color recipes is specified in the workflow software’s process template.

    For open connectivity, the library containing the color recipes is specified differently depending on the proofer type:

    • For Matchprint Inkjet proofers, the color library is specified on the Spot Colors tab.

    A preserved spot color queued for proofing that has not been converted to process is passed to the processor as a single separation, with the L*a*b* information that is stored for that color in the referenced color library.

    Note: You can optionally use the import and export functions to share color database libraries—for example, between Approval Color Manager and the color database.

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