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    The Proofer Color Space Advanced dialog box enables you to change the proofer profile that describes the proofer. Keep in mind that the proofer automatically chooses the default profile to match the media type that you've configured for that hot folder. Use a custom profile only if you created it for a given proofer/media/ink combination. To return to the default setting, click Reset.

    The proofer applies the profile that is specified in this dialog box in three scenarios:

    • Proof is My Final Output—since you're not trying to match a simulation space, the proofing system needs to know only the input color space and the proofer color space.
    • CMYK w/Spots is My Final Output—although the CMYK and RGB colors in the input are transformed into the simulation space, the spot colors need to transform into the full gamut of the proofer.

    Note: This only works for spot colors that are defined with L*a*b* values. For spot colors that are defined with CMYK values, you must preserve the spot color values.

    • Simulation Space Defined with ICC Profiles—the simulation space can be defined in two ways, with device link profiles and an ICC profile, or with one ICC profile. If you configure it to use one ICC profile, the system uses the proofer profile (defined here) to describe the proofer space for a given media.

    Note: If the profile that you choose for the proofer space is not signed, the proof will not print as Certified. Also keep in mind that even if a profile is signed, it still may not be the correct profile to use in a particular color space.

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