Page tree

  1. Log on to the Prepress Portal server.
  2. On the home page, click Jobs.
  3. In the list of jobs that appears, click a job's name to open it.
  4. Click Upload Files and upload some files.
  5. In the Pages list, select a page row and click Smart Review. Close Smart Review.
    Request approval:
    1. In the Pages list, select one or more pages, and click Request Approval.
    2. In the Request Approval window, select one or more users, and in the list on the right, request review and/or final approval.
    3. Click Apply.
    4. Confirm that an e-mail notification message was sent to the users that you selected.
  6. Download a PDF proof:
    1. In the Pages tab, right-click a page.
    2. From the menu that appears, select Download Proof.
    3. Download the page to a known location.
    4. Using Windows Explorer, locate and open the downloaded low-resolution PDF proof
    Enable the antivirus software on the server, if you had disabled it at the beginning of this upgrade process.

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