Requirements: You must have a customer role that includes the Create Customer right.
- On the home page, click Administration.
- In the Administration area, click Customers.
- In the Customers area, click Create Customer.
- In the Create Customer window, in the Customer Info area, type the customer's name (required), address, and contact information.
- (Optional) In the Customer Number box, type a unique number for this customer.
- In the left pane, select Customer CSR.
In the Customer CSR area, perform one of the following actions:
To send e-mail notifications to | Do this |
All staff users | Select the check box next to CSR Name. A check box appears next to all staff users in the list. When there is activity on this account, the system will send e-mail notifications to all current and future staff users in the system—for example, when a job is created or files are uploaded. |
One or more specific staff users | Select the check box beside each staff user who should receive e-mail notifications about activity on this customer account. |
Note: Always select at least one staff user as a Customer CSR. If no staff user is selected, e-mail notifications are not sent. You can prevent a Customer CSR from receiving e-mail notifications about a particular job by assigning a Job CSR.
- (Optional) In the Additional Email Recipients area, type the e-mail addresses of other users who should receive e-mail notifications when there is activity on this account.
Use a semicolon (;) to separate the e-mail addresses.
- In the left pane, select Job Location.
- In the Job Location area, perform one of the following actions:
- To create jobs in the default location, as specified in the configuration settings in the InSite Administration software, select Use default location.
- To create jobs in another location, select Use customer-specific location, and specify the name of the server and the standard job share on the server. Use the tip-down arrows to select job sub-groups, if applicable.
In Enterprise, select the appropriate satellite locations and specify the name of the server and the standard job share on the server.
- In the Job Groups area, in the list, select the job group (on the Kodak Prinergy server) in which you want to place this customer's jobs. Note that Job Groups can be nested.
In the left pane, select Job Options.
- In the Auto Generated Job Name area, select one of the following options:
- To create jobs that always have automatically generated names, select Always, and type a prefix in the Auto Generated Name Prefix box.
- To create jobs that have automatically generated names only when a user does not type a job name, select Optional.
- To create jobs that never have automatically generated names (that is, a user must always type a job name), select Disabled.
In the Approval Workflow area, in the Page Approval list, select the required workflow:
If you do this | The system enables the users to |
Select the Always allow option | Users are allowed to approve pages without being asked to. |
Select the Allow with warnings option | Users are allowed to approve pages without being asked to, but a warning message is displayed. |
Select the Allow only on request option | Users can approve pages only when they were specifically asked to. |
In the Approval Workflow area, in the Page Review list select the required workflow:
If you do this | The system enables the users to |
Select the Always allow option | Users are allowed to review pages without being asked to. |
Select the Allow with warnings option | Users are allowed to review pages without being asked to, but a warning message is displayed. |
Select the Allow only on request option | Users can review pages only when they were specifically asked to. |
Select the Turn off option | Page-review workflow options are not displayed. |
- Select the Allow Arrange Pages on Production Jobs option to allow arrange pages on Production jobs.
- (If licensed) In the left pane, select Color Management.
To enable customers to use the color management features in the Smart Review software, select the Use Matchprint Virtual check box. In the Color Target list, you can select targets to associate with this customer as well as set a default target. - In the left pane, select Job Templates.
- To assign Prinergy job templates to Prepress Portal jobs, you must make the job templates available to the customer. Perform the following actions:
- In the Available jobs for list, select the required customer list.
- From the list of available customers, select the check box next to the job templates that you want available for this customer.
In Enterprise, from the Location menu, select a satellite server.
- In the left pane, select Security.
- Passwords
- Select one of the following options:
- To enable customer users to change their own passwords, select the Allow customer users to change their password option (default).
- To force customer users to change their passwords at a specified interval, select Customer users are required to change their password every <xx> days.
Notes: If you select to force customer users to change their password, you can also enable customers to remind their users to renew the password by: - Sending the users an e-mail x number of days before the password expiration date.
- Prompting the users to renew the password at login.
- Two-Factor Authentication
- If you would like to Enable all Customer Users in the Customer for 2FA, select Enable 2FA for all customer users in the drop-down.
- If you would like to Disable all Customer Users in the Customer for 2FA, select Disable 2FA for all customer users in the drop-down.
- If you would like no change to the current 2FA behaviour, leave the drop-down at No Change (default).
- Federated Authentication
- If your customer wants to use Federated Authentication, click the Enable Federated Authentication checkbox, and enter the Federation Metadata Endpoint URL in the field below. For more information on Federated Authentication, see Section 7.1.18 in the InSite 11 System Administration Guide.
- In the left pane, select Preview & Smart Review.
- In the Preview Permissions area, select the check box next to the required permissions.
- To create your own Smart Review annotation stamps, under Smart Review Annotation Stamps, type each stamp on a separate line.
- In the left pane, select Comments. In the Comments box, type a comment if desired.
- Click Create.