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A user group allows a user to request an action from multiple users at one time, instead of making individual requests.
For example, you might create a user group called Approvers and give that group the Approver role. After a user uploads a file and requests approval, each user in the Approvers group receives an e-mail notification requesting final approval of the job.
In integrated systems, user groups are a convenient way to assign roles from all systems to many users at once. For example, if your system is licensed for InSite Creative Workflow and you create a user group that includes the Approve Tasks project role, each user in the group will also have that project role.
You can assign default roles and job-specific roles to groups. A user in the group has the union of rights from his or her user account role plus rights from the group role. However, any job-specific roles for the user or for the group will override user or group default roles.