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When comparing images of different sizes in Compare mode, use the Align Views feature to align a specific point on one image with a specific point on the other image. This is useful when you are comparing two images that are identical except for their page dimensions or positioning on each page.

  1. While in Compare mode, click the arrow next to the Compare View button and select Align Views.
  2. Position the cursor in the top-left or middle panel, and when the pointer becomes a crosshair, position the crosshair in the area that you want to compare on the image.
  3. Position the cursor in the other panel (top-left or middle).
    As soon as the cursor is in that panel, a line appears, connecting the "tie point" in the first image to the crosshair in the second image.
  4. Click the corresponding area that you want to compare on the second image.
    A tie point appears on the second image.

The image on which you placed the first tie point is shifted so that its tie point is aligned with the tie point on the second image. The comparison image in the right panel is refreshed. If the two images being compared are identical and have been perfectly aligned, the comparison image shows no differences between the two images.

Tip: To more accurately align images, zoom in on the images with Synchronize View selected, click Align Views and create the tie points, and then zoom out. This enables you to more accurately position each tie point—for example, on a specific pixel.

As long as Synchronize View is selected, if you pan or zoom in on one image, the alignment of the two images is maintained.



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