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For any task and element that is associated with a task, you can generate an Approved Annotation Report that lists annotations with the Approved state and the task information.
Requirements: You must be assigned a project role that includes the View Correction Reports user right. If you want the report to include annotations added by other users, you must also be assigned the View All Annotations & Status user right.
For a user with Admin Tasks user right, if the Enable 'Manage Tasks' view option is selected for the customer, you can generate an Approved Annotation Report from the Report menu in the Manage Tasks view.
You can generate an Approved Annotation Report for multiple elements contained within a task, or for a single element across multiple tasks.
Note: If the element has multiple revisions, the report is generated on the latest revision.
You can generate an Approved Annotation Report when an element under a task is selected, a task is selected, multiple elements under a task are selected, or an element in Element view is selected.
Task view
- In the Tasks view, select the task or the task element(s) which you want to generate an Approved Annotation Report.
- Select Task > Approved Annotation Report.
- In the Approved Annotation Report dialog box that appears, select the element, resolution, and format. Also select the output destination and the format of the report.
- Click Create.
Element view
- Under a project, select a specific element that has been added as a task element.
- From the Task menu, select Approved Annotation Report.
- In the Approved Annotation Report dialog box that appears, select the task, resolution, and format. Also select the output destination and the format of the report.
- Click Create.