PDF files can be used as input for a Prinergy Evo workflow. These PDF pages can come from several sources:
- Saved directly out of software such as InDesign software or Freehand
- Created by using Distiller software on PostScript output from desktop software
- Created by a PDF creation tool or suite
- Created by a Prinergy Evo Refine to PDF process template
Depending on the software features used to create the page, saving creative work to a PDF file out of desktop software can have varying results. For many older software applications, outputting to a PostScript file and then creating PDF files using Distiller software can yield better results.
Using Distiller software to convert separated PostScript to PDF can produce unwanted results. Distiller software frequently has difficulty determining the color of the separated pages. When the file is submitted to the system, it treats each separated page as an independent page (if, in the Refine to PDF process template dialog box, you enabled page splitting, you would get one output file per separation). Generally, refining separated PostScript to PDF using a Refine to PDF submission channel yields better results.
Note: During the installation of your system's Client software, you also installed some settings files in the Acrobat Distiller folder. One of these files contains recommended settings for Distiller software for distilling page and sheet mark PostScript files to create PDF files for use with output process templates.
Once you have created your PDF files or pages, you can preview them, edit traps, change geometry, and view separations with Prinergy Virtual Proofing System (VPS) software, Adobe Acrobat, and Kodak's Acrobat plug-ins.