Type | JTP Pool Name in Client Software | Description | Group |
Normalizer | Normalizing | Converts PostScript files to PDF. Also does font handling and OPI replacement | Refine |
ColorMatcher | Color Matching | Generates data for color matching proofs to final output. Converts input files into the final output color space. Handles spot color manipulation. | Refine and Output |
Trapper | Trapping | Handles vector trapping in Prinergy Evo | Refine |
Optimizer | Optimizing | Optimizes PDF files into digital masters suitable for print, checking conditions such as compression and image resampling | Refine |
FileMover | File Moving | Moves the completed, refined PDF file from the intermediate processing location to the final output location specified in the process templates. This is so that the final output location for the PDF file can be a hot folder. | Refine |
Thumbnail | Generating Thumbnails | Embeds thumbnail images in the refined PDF files or outputs JPEG thumbnail files with the refined PDF files | Refine |
Copydot | Copydot | Resamples copydot data | Refine and Output |
Marks | Updating Marks | Handles marks. Specifically, substitutes variable marks during output. | Output |
CTMTransform | Applying Geometry | Performs geometric manipulations, such as offsets, rotations, and scaling | Output |
Preps | Creating imposition plans | Automatically creates a populated JDF file and Marks file that you can then submit for output to a device | Output |
PrinterEx (various resolutions) | Printing High Res. | Generates high-resolution (721 dpi and higher) raster data for the specified PDF files for page and imposition output. The PrinterEx JTP can output a file on disk. Your Prinergy Evo license dictates whether the PrinterEx JTP is capable of low- or high-resolution output to proof or plate. | Output |
PrinterEx (various resolutions) | Printing Low Res. | Generates low-resolution (720 dpi and lower) raster data for the specified PDF files for page and imposition output. The PrinterEx JTP can output a file on disk. Your Prinergy Evo license dictates whether the PrinterEx JTP is capable of low- or high-resolution output to proof or plate. | Output |
JTC | Creating Job Ticket | Takes the process template plus the input files and builds the job ticket (JT) that is sent for processing. Each JT includes references to the processing parameters (trap widths, screening, OPI enabled, and so on) as well as references to the input files. | Refine and Output |
PrintLink | Generating PrintLink | Generates files with output plate previews for initializing ink keys on press. Files can be generated in CIP3.ppf or CIP4 JDF formats. | Output |
VectorOutput | Vector Output | Generates vector format files for page and imposition output. | Output |