Using ColorFlow curves instead of Harmony curves provides a number benefits, including that ColorFlow allows you to created gray-balance curves. See ColorFlow Introduction for Harmony Users.

To make it simple to convert all your Process Templates to use ColorFlow curves, there's a tool in Evo Administrator that will automatically migrate your calibration curves from Harmony to ColorFlow.

The Evo Administrator tool looks at each Output Process Template that has Curve Source: Harmony selected in the Calibration and Screening panel.

If the Harmony curves selected by the Print Curve and Plate Curve list controls have both been imported into the ColorFlow database, the tool changes Curve Source to ColorFlow Current State. The next time you output a job using one of those migrated process template, curves are fetched from ColorFlow.

How to Run the Migrate Template Curves Tool 

You must first import your existing Harmony database into ColorFlow, before you run the migration tool in Evo Administrator. Launch ColorFlow and go to the Harmony Import section of either the Plate Curve or Print Curve tabs. Click the Import... button and locate the active Harmony database, which is named Calcurve.hmy. ColorFlow knows where to find the Calcurve.hmy file and will take you directly to the share (Harmony$) containing the database.

You can choose to select individual curves or all curves for import. You can repeat the import process any number of times, if you wish to import curves selectively. Once the Harmony curves have been imported, go to Evo Administrator on the Evo server and stop Evo, then choose Tools / Migrate Template Curves... and press the OK button. The migration utility will look through all your Output Process Templates, and if it finds an imported ColorFlow curve matching the previous Harmony curve, it will switch the curve to the ColorFlow curve. A nice feature is that the "Show in Prinergy" checkbox (Also applies to Evo workflo) will become selected for any matching ColorFlow curve. This is a useful feature, because any curves that are not checked must be redundant and not referenced in any Process Template. This will allow you to identify and remove any out-of-date curves, which will reduce the size of your database and make it more efficient.

The migration utility writes a log file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodak\Prinergy Evo\logs\MigrateEvoProcessTemplateCurves.log.

For detailed guidance, see ColorFlow migration guide for Harmony users.

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