Prinergy Evo is a customizable, expandable system that is controlled by licensing. Permanent features of your Prinergy Evo Workflow system are licensed by a single license key.
Prinergy Evo licensing requires:
- A unique system ID, which identifies the hardware on which you are installing the software.
This is automatically populated in the licensing dialog box. - A license ID, which enables licensable features
- A license key
Licensing new Prinergy Evo Workflow installations
If this is your initial purchase of the Prinergy Evo Workflow system, the license ID and its matching license key will be pre-installed and shipped with the hardware server. You will receive an e-mail message containing your unique licence ID for your records.
Licensing upgrades on existing Prinergy Evo Workflow systems
To upgrade to version 9.0 and above, you must follow the steps below to upgrade your license.
Stop old Evo (8.x)
Remove License key from the old Evo License Manager Window
Save Config (if needed)
Click Retrieve Key button on the new server while installing Evo 9.0 and above
- Restore Config (if needed)
- If you are a customer with a service contract that includes upgrade entitlements, you can upgrade your license from within the Prinergy Evo workflow installer. See the license key retrieval procedure.
- If you do not have a service contract that includes upgrade entitlements, the upgrade to Prinergy Evo Workflow 9.0 or above from a version earlier than 8.1 is chargeable.
To purchase an upgrade to Prinergy Evo Workflow 9.0 and above or to upgrade to Prinergy Workflow, contact your local sales representative. Once the order is processed, you will receive an e-mail message with your new license ID, which you will need when you perform the license key retrieval procedure.
Licensing additional features or JTPs
You can obtain temporary licenses for particular features to run them on a trial basis. You can also obtain temporary licenses for job ticket processors (JTPs) other than those included in the base license. After a predetermined date, the temporary license expires and the feature or JTP is disabled. If you want to permanently license a temporary feature or JTP, contact your service representative to obtain a new permanent license key that licenses the feature or JTP on your Prinergy Evo Workflow system.
New licensing technology in Evo 8.1 and above
Prinergy Evo Workflow 8.1 and above introduces a new software-based type of licensing technology that does not require hardware dongles for verification. Instead, your Prinergy Evo server will contact the KODAK Product License and Activation System (PLAS) in the background on a regular basis to keep your system licenses up to date.
- Automatic retrieval and maintenance of your licenses requires an internet connection.
- If your primary server is not connected to the internet, you can follow the offline license key retrieval procedure.
If the software is unable to reach PLAS for automatic license maintenance, it will begin notifying you two weeks before the license is set to expire. You must renew the license manually within that two-week period, or the license becomes invalid and the software will no longer work.
The new licensing technology requires a Partner Place user ID. If you do not already have a Partner Place ID, or you want to modify your Partner Place ID, use the Create\Update Partner Place username link and create or modify your Partner Place username.
You can also contact your local Customer Engagement Center for a license key.
Note: Resale or reuse of the original hardware (dongle) license constitutes a breach of the software license agreement. If you are upgrading from a dongle to a software-based license, you are responsible for the destruction or disposal of the original hardware dongle. It is recommended that you destroy your dongle as soon as you confirm that the upgrade was successful.