Prinergy Evo Server software automatically checks the general health of your server. That is, Prinergy Evo Server software checks that all local hard drives and mounted shares are functioning correctly and not running out of disk space. If a problem is detected, Prinergy Evo software logs it in the HealthMonitor.log and broadcasts the problem to anyone on the server. When Prinergy Evo Administrator first receives an alert message, the message appears in a help balloon in the system tray (usually in the lower-right corner of the desktop) on the Prinergy Evo icon. Click the help balloon to hide it. The alert message is recorded in the Alerts tab.

The Alerts tab records and stores important messages from the Prinergy Evo system.

Many of the alert messages include information about what they mean and the action required to correct the condition. To view this information, simply double-click the message.

Alerts tab options

  • Message: Displays a date and time-stamped error, warning, or informational message regarding the state of your Prinergy Evo system. Double-click on the message for a longer explanation of the problem and any recommended action.
  • Show all alerts: By default, all errors, warnings, and information messages are shown in the order in which they were received. Double-click on the message for a longer explanation of the problem and any recommended action.
  • Only show uncleared problem alerts: Only those messages that correspond to errors or warnings that have not yet been fixed are shown. The most severe errors or warnings are shown first. Double-click on the message for a longer explanation of the problem and any recommended action.
  • Details: Shows more information on the selected message.


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