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ColorFlow provides tonal calibration curves to Prinergy for screened output. ColorFlow also provides ICC Device and DeviceLink profiles for color matching during Refine and Output processes, a capability called ColorFlow Color Relationship Management (CRM). 

You can use ColorFlow Workflow Edition (included with every Prinergy system) for tonal calibration to control plate output using curves. You can also use ColorFlow Pro Workflow edition’s powerful CRM capabilities to ensure Prinergy outputs plates and proofs aligned to your desired print conditions, including GRACoL, Fogra and G7. 

Current ColorFlow capabilities:

  • You can use ColorFlow to create Plate and Print Calibration Curves from printed and measured charts, or you can create Transfer Curves from a set of numbers.
  • You can create and use ColorFlow curves without creating a ColorFlow Color Setup.
  • You do not need to enable ColorFlow for a Prinergy job to be able to use ColorFlow curves for output.
  • You can select ColorFlow curves from a drop-down list in Prinergy Process Templates, in exactly the same way as you can select Harmony curves. 

As a current Harmony user, if you migrate to ColorFlow you benefit from ongoing improvements in color science, as well as the following features:

  • The latest GRACoL, FOGRA, SWOP, ISO and other print standards
  • Support for G7 methodology for gray balance compensation. You can use ColorFlow to control gray balance along with tonal match.
  • Support for new spectrophotometers and measurement modes
  • Simplified curve creation: you can create plate calibration and print transfer curves in a single entry panel.
  • Make on-the-fly curve adjustments in Prinergy at the time of output
  • Analyze and verify print conditions, and troubleshoot potential problems with ColorFlow Reports

For migration assistance, see ColorFlow migration guide for Harmony users


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