If you are not satisfied with the color output in one channel only, select and adjust that color channel. For example, you notice that there is an overall magenta cast across all tones, adjust the M channel.
Below the Curve Change graph, there are several sliders that represent different points in the tonal range: Tint In Range (non-flexo) Tint In Range (flexo) The value in the box under each slider is a change percentage. The graph appears flat until you make an adjustment. Move the appropriate slider to adjust the corresponding tonal range or enter the tint out change percentage in the box under the slider. Slider Most affected Affects Most affected Affects Mindot Does not appear Do not appear Mindot Tint In Mindot to 25% Highlights 10% 0 to 25% 10% to 15% Mindot to 25% Quartertones 25% 0 to 50% 25% Mindot to 50% Midtones 50% 0 to 100% 50% Mindot to 100% 3/4-tones 75% 50 to 100% 75% 50 to 100% Shadows 90% 75 to 100% 90% 75 to 100%