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The flexographic printing technology uses a flexible relief plate to transfer inks from a cylinder to a substrate. The flexographic print response is controlled by the highlight gain and minimum printable dot. The minimum printable dot is accomplished by using Mindot bump and cutoff curves. This activity is to control the response of a flexographic plate by using Mindot bump curves.


Create a print transfer curve to control the response of a Kodak Flexcel NX plate.

Task 1: Created a print transfer curve for Kodak Flexcel NX plate

  1. In ColorFlow, click the Print Curves tab.
  2. In the Transfer Curves section, click the Add button .
  3. In the Name box, enter XX Flexcel transfer curve (where xx= your initials).
  4. In the Device Conditions section, choose Flexographic Press for the Device Type and leave all the other settings as default and click OK.
  5. In the viewer window on the right, click the Transfer Curves icon .
  6. In the Transfer Curve definition dialog box, select the  Show in Prinergy  check box.
  7. In the Curve Origin section, click Flexcel NX Preset.
  8. In the Midtone Tone Value Increase box, enter 0.
  9. In the Mindot Bump/Cutoff > Process Inks (CMYK) section, enter the following:
    • In the Tint In box, enter 0.39 (minimum system value)
    • In the Tint Out box, enter 2 (minimum printable dots on this type of Flexcel plate)
  10. Leave the Highlight Contrast as the default value (70%). This value can be adjusted to give the desired adjustment slope.
  11. Click OK.
    A print transfer curve for Kodak Flexcel NX plate is generated. 

Task 2:  Output a page using the print transfer curve in Prinergy

  1. In Prinergy, create a new job, and name it as XX Flexcel NX plate (where XX = your initials).
  2. Refine Chart_TintRamp_CMYK.pdf with 1stRef-Normz.
  3. Output the PDF file using Virtual Proof.LoosePage with the print transfer curve you just created:
    1. In your Virtual Proof.LoosePage Process template dialog box, from the Output To list, choose Virtual Proof.
    2. Leave ColorFlow Color Relationship Management unchecked.
    3. Expand the Calibration & Screening panel.
    4. Select the ColorFlow Current State radio button.
    5. Expand the Print Curve drop down list and choose curve XX Flexcel transfer curve.
  4. Open the generated page in VPS and measure the 1%, 2% and 5% cyan patches. 
    Confirm that the print transfer curve has been applied. 1% measures 2, 2% measures 3.16, and 5% measures 5.5. 


You have created a print transfer curve with a minimum printable dot to control the highlight response of a Kodak Flexcel NX plate.


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