Use the Process Mapping tab on the Administration Client window to perform these actions:
- Map a process template to a report operation name, a material, and a device, as needed
- Access dialog boxes for adding, editing, or deleting the operation names, materials, or devices that you can select for process mappings
Note: After you configure the Process Mapping tab, its settings apply to all jobs in the Business Link production reporting database, not just the jobs that arrive in the database after you configure the mappings. The settings affect only the built-in reports. These settings do not affect messages that were already sent to an MIS. You can adjust the width of columns on this tab by dragging the dividing lines.
Process Template Name | Automatically lists the Prinergy process templates that are known to the system. This cannot be edited. |
Report Operation Name | Displays the currently selected operation name that is to appear in reports instead of the corresponding process template name. Clicking inside a cell in this column displays a list of defined operation names. Note: This information is not communicated between Business Link and the MIS. |
Material | Displays the currently selected consumable that is required by this process template. Clicking inside a cell in this column displays a list of defined materials. |
Device Name | Displays the currently selected device that is used with the process template. Clicking inside a cell in this column displays a list of defined device names. |
Manage Operations | Displays the Operations dialog box |
Manage Material | Displays the Materials dialog box |
Manage Devices | Displays the Devices dialog box |
Setting up the process mappings
On the Process Mapping tab, you map a material name and a device name to the Prinergy process template that is configured for that material and device. You then map related process templates to a single reporting operation name.
The Process Mapping tab must be configured with the necessary lists of operations, materials, and devices.
Note: Setting up process mappings in a new installation can take a fair amount of time, depending on the number of process templates in your system and related operations, devices, and materials.
- Select items in the Materials list and the Devices that reflect the configuration of each process template.
- In the row for a process template, click inside the Report Operation Names column and select the corresponding operation name to be used in reports.
- Repeat these steps as needed for each process template.
- Click Save.
After you finish configuring the Process Mapping tab, you can use the Business Link built-in reports to view detailed information about prepress production and materials consumed. If an MIS connector is used, you can view reports generated from the MIS software, if the MIS supports reporting. For more information, see your MIS documentation.