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Understanding the type of JDF data that your MIS can provide will help you decide how to set up an automated imposition workflow that provides the best results.

Preps profiles for the ImportAll process template

All automated imposition workflows require the Prinergy ImportAll process template and at least one suitable Preps configuration profile. In the ImportAll process template, you select the Preps profile that determines the workflow type and criteria to apply when resolving signatures, based on the type of imposition data that you expect your MIS to submit.

MIS imposition data

All automated imposition workflows are based on either JDF stripping parameters or JDF layouts that the MIS submits to Business Link. Although the data that the MIS submits to Business Link must conform to certain standards, each MIS might structure its data slightly differently and provide varying levels of detail. Business Link always examines the data and forwards any required information to Prinergy and Preps.

Workflows that use JDF stripping parameters

JDF stripping parameters describe the basic imposition requirements for a job or job part, such as page count and final page size, and additional details that might range from minimal to comprehensive. You need to know which of the following workflows would provide the best results, based on the type of stripping data that your MIS provides:

  • Auto signature creation (ASC): A Preps template library is not required for this workflow. However, the MIS must be able to provide good, comprehensive JDF data.
  • Auto signature matching (ASM): A clean Preps template library is required with as little duplication as possible, because matching is based on a smaller number of criteria
  • Direct template reference: It is ideal if your MIS can refer to a specific Preps template file when fine differences are important, to eliminate the possibilty of mismatches. For example, the ASM workflow cannot look for a five-color bar instead of a six-color bar.

Processing of JDF stripping data can be automated or manual in each stage, including:

  1. Importing the raw stripping data into the Prinergy prepress job
  2. Creating or matching suitable Preps signatures that resolve the stripping requirements, or applying a direct template reference
  3. Printing the Preps imposition to JDF output
  4. Importing the imposition into the Prinergy prepress job

Workflows that import complete JDF layouts

An MIS might submit JDF layout data that originated in imposition or prepress planning software, such as Kodak UpFront or Preps or other third-party software. Business Link forwards this data to Prinergy for direct import into the job. Submitted JDF Layout data can contain page assignment information if the MIS supports this capability. Prinergy supports the direct import of:

  • Populated JDF layout data
  • Unpopulated JDF layout data

If edits are required for JDF layouts, the originating software must be used. If a valid Preps template is referenced, you can use integrated full-access Preps software to edit the imposition only if the template is stored in the Preps Templates folder path that is specified in the Preps profile.

About manual impositions

In this guide, you can find the general steps for manually completing an automated imposition, when necessary. Workflows that do not use any JDF imposition data are beyond the scope of this guide, such as when prepress operators must build impositions from details provided on paper-based job tickets.
For detailed information about manual imposition tasks, see the Prinergy Workshop and Preps (or other imposition software) documentation.

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