Standard corner trap


Bevel trap


Miter trap


Mitered corner trap


Round trap


Clipped choke trap


Trap direction

Values selected in the Direction box yield the following results:
Center, Into Image, and Into Object

Black width scaling

Black width scaling ensures supporting screens don't peek out from underneath black. This setting is the Black Width Scaling box in the Black area of the in the Trap Settings area in the Trap section of the Refine process template.

Small text scaling

Here is an example of how scaling affects trapping on small text:
The text shown in the example is small—the letter l measures approximately 0.5 points across. With 100 percent trapping at a trap width of 0.3 points, the trap is so wide that the letter appears to be overprinting. When the trap is scaled to 25 percent, the trap is more appropriate to the size of the text.

Trap color scaling

Here is an example showing the result of different values for Trap Color Scaling (%):

  • No labels